Friday, April 19, 2013

What's better than your typical voice directed picking system?

Voice Directed Order Fulfillment Systems

We’ve put our FastFetch voice directed picking video next to the typical voice directed picking. See the videos yourself and see how much FASTER FastFetch is compared to the typical voice directed picking systems:

A popular warehouse order picking technology is called voice picking or voice directed picking.  We’ve put together this page on voice picking systems to answer the following common questions about what it is, how it works and it’s benefits:
  • What is voice directed picking?
  • What are the benefits of voice directed picking warehousing systems?
  • What are ideal applications for voice picking?
  • How does voice directed picking work?
  • What is the best voice directed picking technology?

What is Voice Directed Picking/ Voice Picking?

Voice picking or voice directed picking is an order picking technology that has been adopted by many warehouse fulfillment systems.  It is an order fulfillment system that helps improve picking productivity and accuracy.  By eliminating the need to handle paper, voice picking makes the order fulfillment process more efficient.
With paper picking, the pick ticket(s) are in the operator’s hand, on a cart, or the forklift and the operator travels through most of the warehouse in search of the general location of the item. Once the pick bay is located, then the actual order picking process begins.  However with voice directed picking, you eliminate handling the paper and manually searching for the next location to go to.  In other words, operators go “hands free” picking, dramatically increasing picking productivity.

 Eliminate Paper Picking, Go Hands Free, and Multilingual

eliminate paper go hands free and multilingual picking
Order pickers are simply directed by voice where to go next.  Once they reach the pick bay, the order picker is then directed by voice what to pick.

What are the benefits of voice directed picking?

increase picking productivityAs mentioned earlier, voice directing picking systems allows you to go “paperless picking”.  By eliminating the time consuming and manual labor of having your order pickers read each SKU item to pick line by line and having them travel throughout the entire warehouse for an order, you can greatly improve productivity and accuracy.
With a voice directed picking system, orders are downloaded from your existing host or WMS computer and then optimized to reduce labor costs related to paper picking.

In short, voice picking order fulfillment systems allows any order fulfillment warehouse operations to:
  • Reduce labor costs
  • Increase picking speeds and productivity
  • Cut travel distances

What are ideal applications for voice directed picking systems?

Voice directed warehousing systems are best fit for any warehouse order fulfillment operations that does piece picking or broken case picking.  These operations typically have a large quantity of SKUs that is running a highly labor intensive order picking operations.  If you find that 20% of your products or SKUS require 80% of the picking labor, this type of pick to light system would improve your productivity and even accuracy.  Below are some ideal voice picking applications:warehouse order fulfillment ideal applications
  • eCommerce & Mail-Order
  • Apparel & Footwear
  • Automotive Aftermarket Parts
  • Food, Beverage & Grocery
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Health & Beauty
  • Reverse Logistics
  • Consumer Goods Manufacturing
  • Value-Added & Customized Products to Order
  • Retail
  • Vending

How does Voice Directed Picking work?

We won’t go into the technical details of how the system communicates at each level throughout the voice picking order fulfillment process, but we’ll explain the main components involved with a FastFetch voice directed picking warehouse system.
Step 1: Add the voice directed picking software to your existing WMS or host computer
Step 2: Add voice directed hardware.  With FastFetch a headset is not used, instead a Tablet PC directs pickers where to go.
Step 3: Get your order pickers acquainted with the new picking system!  It will be their new best friend!

What is the best pick to light order fulfillment technology on the market?

3 in 1 fastfetch order fulfillment systems, pick to light, pick-to-light, pick-by-light, voice directed picking, bar code scanning
While, we would like to simply say that FastFetch order fulfillment systems is the best voice directed picking system on the market, we’d like to explain why we think it is so.  FastFetch is a 3-in-1 directed picking technology that combines voice directed picking, pick to light, and bar code scan picking.  In side by side comparisons, it is obvious that:
  • FastFetch is 2 to 3 times faster than other voice directed picking technology
  • FastFetch batches orders to reduce pick times (whereas typical voice directed picking doesn’t)
  • FastFetch downloads “next best order” to replace offloaded order (whereas typical voice directed picking doesn’t)
  • FastFetch constantly is optimizing picks to reduce travel distance and increase picking productivity (whereas typical voice directed picking doesn’t)
If you are interested in learning more about FastFetch, please give me a call or send me an email.  I'd be happy to help.


Nikki Ong
(714) 496-4499

Friday, April 12, 2013