Thursday, February 14, 2013

What is the best pick to light order fulfillment system on the market?

What is the best pick to light order fulfillment technology on the market?

3 in 1 fastfetch order fulfillment systems, pick to light, pick-to-light, pick-by-light, voice directed picking, bar code scanning
While, we would like to simply say that FastFetch order fulfillment systems is the best pick to light system on the market, we’d like to explain why we think it is so.

FastFetch is a 3-in-1 directed picking technology that combines pick to light, voice picking and bar code scan picking. 

In side by side comparisons, it is obvious that:
  • FastFetch is 2 to 3 times faster than other pick to light technology
  • FastFetch batches orders to reduce pick times (whereas pick to light doesn’t)
  • FastFetch downloads “next best order” to replace offloaded order (whereas pick to light doesn’t)
  • FastFetch constantly is optimizing picks to reduce travel distance and increase picking productivity (whereas pick to light doesn’t)
Don’t believe us?  Watch this short video clip on why FastFetch is better than a typically pick to light system:


Rick Froehlich
Marketing Facilitator
(864) 430-0032

1 comment:

  1. the best company to set your system up for order picking is red prairie they are the company m&s uses and most leading logistic companies
